Monday, September 1, 2008

Gustav Comes Ashore

As Gustav comes ashore it looks as though most people have gone ahead and taken proper precautions by leaving the Gulf area. I believe the government has done their part to be ready. As the hurricane hits the shore I hope that the damage is minimal to the area. There are people who have stayed (8%-9%) and I scratch my head at the thought. I did hear that 3 people that were under hospital care died during their transport, so there are some situations that pose unique challenges for some people to leave. For the others, I just don't know. There was even a family that were staying in their boat to "tough it out". The guy on the Weather Channel said he spoke to the family and they were staying because the "kids" wanted to!! Sometimes there are people that just can't be helped. Good Luck! The storm has just been downgraded to a Category 2 and the primary concern is the flooding and the test it will present to the levees.